IPATIMUP/i3S Univ. of Porto Celso Reis Portugal, Porto
- Offer Biomarkers and targets
IS4Health Pedro Gomes Portugal, Porto
- Offer & Request Medsounds
Computer Graphics Center, University of Minho Miguel Angel Guevara Lopez Portugal, Guimaraes
- Offer biomedical image and data analisis
Exogenus Therapeutics Luisa Marques Portugal, Cantanhede
BioISI - Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute Filipa Tome Portugal, Lisbon
- Offer Services & Facilities
- Offer & Request Research Collaborations
NORTEXCEL Bárbara Macedo Portugal, Porto
- Offer & Request Looking for researchers, innovation organizations and companies to collaborate with NORTEXCEL
- Offer & Request We are looking for innovative solutions on the areas of Cancer, Cardio and Care.
INESC TEC Daniel Vasconcelos Portugal, Porto
- Request Clinical partners to support new medical technologies ideation and validation
- Offer NeuroKinect - A novel portable and low-cost 3D video system for motion analysis in Parkinson patient
- Offer ACCURATE-BV - CAD for blood vessel analysis in breast reconstruction surgery
- Offer Medical softwares to assess human health through retina
- Offer Intellectual Property consulting
Associação CCG Pedro Torrinha Portugal, Guimarães
- Offer & Request ICT expertise with various application within Health Sector
HLTSYS - HealthySystems, Lda Margarida Pinho Portugal, Porto
- Request National and International collaboration (TTP)
- Offer Healthcare Productivity indicators for better management
- Offer Data Protection - Monitoring - Integration - Secured Web Authentications
Metablue Solution Ricardo Moura Portugal, Braga
- Offer Lipowise - the revolutionary lipotool
LABIOMEP - University of Porto João Paulo Vilas-Boas Portugal, Porto
- Offer Research, consulting, validation, services
- Offer & Request Collaborations and services
Farmácia Saúde Flávio Maia Portugal, Figueira da Foz
- Offer & Request Data Health platform for B2B and B2C
Startup Braga Alexandre Mendes Portugal, Braga
- Offer & Request Accelerating digital health startups
SURGEONMATE Nuno Muralha Portugal, Porto
- Offer Product
- Offer Equity
Clarke, Modet & Cº Telmo Santos Portugal, Porto
- Offer Intelectual Property Support
CINTESIS Maria João Aguiar Portugal, Porto
- Offer & Request
Universidade de Aveiro Daniel Polónia Portugal, Aveiro
- Offer Innovation in Healthcare
- Request Project Partner to Participate in Innovation in Healthcare Interreg Project
- Request Research on Innovation Management Systems
Ordem de São Francisco do Porto Sandra Mouta Portugal, Porto
- Offer End-user institution
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS Nuno Felício Portugal, Porto
- Offer Fall Activity Monitoring Framework
- Offer Precise Indoor Location
- Offer EyeFundusScope - Smartphone Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis
- Offer Melanoma Risk Assessment App - Patient-oriented system of skin lesion analysis using a smartphone
Bilateral Talks
- Participants68
- Meetings Requested161
- Meetings Accepted124
Portugal 66
Spain 3
United Kingdom 1
- Total of Participants70
Profile views
- Before Event2331
- After Event107565